A Women's Grievance and Redressal Cell (WGRC) is a specialized unit within an organization or institution that focuses on addressing grievances and complaints related to gender-based discrimination, harassment, or other forms of injustice faced by women. The primary objectives and functions of a Women's Grievance and Redressal Cell typically include

  • Receiving Complaints
  • Confidentiality and Sensitivity
  • Investigation and Resolution
  • Mediation and Counseling
  • Legal Assistance
  • Awareness and Prevention
  • Policy Advocacy
  • Monitoring and Evaluation

Overall, a Women's Grievance and Redressal Cell plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety, well-being, and empowerment of women within an organization or institution by providing a supportive and responsive mechanism for addressing their grievances and promoting gender equality.

Women Grievance and Redressal Committee Executives

1 Dr.M.Marimuthu Principal Chair Person
2 Dr.L.Sugi Assistant Professor& Head, Science and Humanities Convenor
3 Ms.J.Theboral Assistant Professor, Agricultural Engineering Member
4 Mrs.T.Suganya Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Member
5 Mrs.S.Thilagavathi Assistant Professor, Bio-Medical Engineering Member
6 Ms.J.Jayasri Assistant Professor, Science and Humanities Member